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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - The Wolven Storm / Priscilla's Song (Metal Cover by Skar Productions)

SnakeSoulfly Дата публикации 21.10.2016 13:14


Продолжительность: 04:27 / размер: 13.05 Мб
 / 0 оценок
Текущая оценка: 0.0
Количество просмотров просмотры: 300
A metal cover of Priscilla's song/The Wolven Storm from the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Been working on this for quite a while so that I could do such a great song...

Тэги Тэги: rock sos metal cover heavy ... melodic skar wolven storm witcher 3 wild hunt geralt yennefer martin skar berger screams of scarlet cd projekt red

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