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Chinese Bus Driver Dodges Death From a Pole Smashing Through The Windscreen

tigfinger Дата публикации 27.03.2013 22:46


Продолжительность: 01:15 / размер: 5.61 Мб
Chinese Bus Driver Dodges Death From a Pole Smashing Through The Windscreen
 / 1 оценок
Текущая оценка: 5.0
Количество просмотров просмотры: 684
A bus driver has been hailed a hero after managing to stop his vehicle despite being struck by a huge lamppost smashing through the windscreen. CCTV footage ...

Тэги Тэги: amazing death from the close bus through lucky almost driver chinese died pole survive smashing dodges windscreen almost died rapid respons...

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nawigator007 Дата публикации 28.03.2013 16:08 Ссылка на этот комментарий
не убиваемый народ)))))